Fall Electrical Safety Tips
Electrical distribution systems are the third leading cause of home structure fires. These fires caused the most property damage, are the second leading cause of death, and the third leading cause of home fire injuries, according to statistics from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The Expert Electric recommends that homeowners to have their homes electrically inspected, particularly if they fall into one of the following categories:
- Owner of a home 40 or more years old;
- Owner of a home 10 or more years old that has had major renovation, addition or major new appliance; or
- New owner of a previously owned home.
The following are some of the signs consumers can look for to address home wiring electrical hazards:
- Power outages—circuit breakers that frequently trip or fuses that need replacement;
- Dim and flickering lights;
- Arcs and sparks—flashes of light or showers of sparks in your electrical system;
- Sizzles and buzzes—unusual sounds from your electrical system;
- Overheating — overheated wires can give off an odor of hot insulation; switch plates or receptacle covers are hot to the touch, or discolored from heat buildup;
- Electrical shocks — any shock, even a mild tingle, may be warning of an electrical danger;
- Overrated panel — electrical panels with fuses or circuit breakers rated at higher currents than the capacity of their branch circuits; and
- Damaged wire insulation — cut, broken or cracked insulation.