Expert Electrical

How to keep your home warm in the Winter

Dec 12, 2016 | Electrical Tips

Winter is in full swing in the Fraser Valley and Greater Vancouver area, bringing plummeting temperatures, occasional snowfall, and the inevitable spike in electricity usage. As households across British Columbia strive to stay warm during the colder months, many are faced with the challenge of managing increased energy costs. Fortunately, there are practical solutions to help mitigate this seasonal expense.

Expert Electric understands the importance of maintaining a comfortable and affordable living environment, especially during the Winter season. With their expertise in residential electrical services, they offer cost-effective tips to help homeowners reduce their energy consumption and lower their electrical bills. From programmable thermostats to leveraging natural sunlight, Expert Electric provides valuable insights to help households stay warm while keeping energy costs in check.

By implementing these energy-saving strategies, homeowners can enjoy a cozy Winter without breaking the bank. Whether it’s optimizing heating systems or making simple adjustments to daily routines, Expert Electric empowers homeowners to make informed decisions that promote both comfort and affordability. Don’t let Winter’s chill drain your budget—contact Expert Electric today for expert advice on reducing energy costs and ensuring a warm and inviting home throughout the season.

We often get asked whether or not it is possible to keep a home warm during the Winter season without breaking the budget. Absolutely it is! The licensed electricians at Expert Electric offer a variety of residential electrical services and cost-effective tips that can help clients keep their homes warm during the holidays. For more on this, read our list below for tips on how to keep your home warm in the Winter season.

How to keep your home warm in the Winter

Use a programmable thermostat

One of the best ways to keep your home warm in the Winter is by installing a programmable thermostat. Programmable thermostats have been proven to significantly reduce the electrical bill of residential homes while keeping residents warm when it counts. Rather than continuously adjusting the thermostat throughout the day, program it so that it keeps you warm when you are at home, and does not waste energy when you are away at work. If you are unsure of what model of thermostat to purchase or what settings are best, contact the licensed electricians at Expert Electric.

Make friends with the sun

Using the sun to your home’s advantage is the most cost-effective way to warm up your home during the Winter. If your home has many windows, Expert Electric recommends opening the curtains and letting Mr. Sunshine go to work during the day. The best thing about taking advantage of the sun’s rays is that you will not be billed for them at the end of the month.

Make sure your heating registers and vents are clutter-free

In order for heating registers and vents to work properly, they need to be free of furniture and other items that could be blocking the airflow and the circulation of heat. Keep your home warm this winter by making sure that any vents and heat registers are clutter-free and able to properly distribute heat throughout.

How to keep your home warm in the Winter

Keep your doors closed

This may seem obvious to some but keeping your doors both closed and locked is a simple way to keep your home warm during the Winter season. This applies to all the doors in homes, not just doors to the outside. Determine which rooms in your home are used the most frequently. These are the rooms that you will want to focus on keeping warm. Keeping the doors to these rooms closed whenever possible, will create a sauna effect and allow the heat to become more effective in spaces where it counts.

Elevate your electrical system with Expert Electric’s unparalleled service. Whether you’re looking to enhance your indoor ambiance or brighten your outdoor spaces, our team at Expert Electric is your ultimate solution. Refrain from letting subpar electrical work dim your property’s potential. Choose experts ready to illuminate every corner with precision and care.

Dial 604-681-8338 today and embark on a journey to electrical excellence. With Expert Electric, you’re not just getting a service but investing in peace of mind, safety, and the sheer joy of flawless functionality. Our seasoned professionals are eager to tackle any challenge, big or small, ensuring your space is safe and shines with its full potential.

From the intricate wiring of your cozy indoor retreat to the vibrant energy of your outdoor oasis, Expert Electric is your reliable partner, dedicated to transforming your electrical dreams into reality. Our commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction sets us apart, making us the go-to choice for discerning homeowners and businesses.

Don’t wait for a flicker to become a failure. Take the proactive step towards exceptional electrical health by calling Expert Electric at 604-681-8338. Let us empower your space with top-tier electrical work’s strength, beauty, and reliability. Join the many satisfied customers who trust Expert Electric to illuminate their lives. Call now and illuminate the path to electrical perfection. Your journey to a brighter, safer, and more efficient space begins with Expert Electric – where excellence is just a call away.