Approximately 200 electrical fires occur in B.C. each year with a large portion of these fires found in older homes. As sad as it is, it’s understandable. Homes built before 1970 didn’t have the types of technology we have today – not only to build a more sound electrical system but to sustain the types of products we now use on a daily basis (coffee machines, hairdryers, computers, the list goes on). If you live in an older home or are looking at buying one, be aware of these electrical hazards.

  • Wiring older than 30 years old
  • Under 100 amps of power
  • Not equipped with AFCI’s

Wiring – New cables and methods of wiring have been introduced since the building of your old home. These new cables provided ground protection, higher rated insulation temperatures and are suitable for recessed lighting. This eliminates the need for knobs and tubes, which proved to be a fire hazard overtime.  If your wiring is older than 30 years, it is recommended to have an electrician review the safety of your wiring. If caught early, you may be able to simply modify your wiring rather than rewire your entire home.

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