Electric Water Heaters
Why Choose Electric Water Heaters Over Traditional Gas Water Heaters?
Water heaters are one of the greatest inventions we have in the modern home. There is nothing like a nice warm shower or bath. But to improve this invention even more, you can switch to an electric water heater. Electricity is much safer than traditional gas water heaters. It also offers a longer life and greater efficiency.
Whenever you are removing gas from your home you are always making it safer. With a natural gas or propane water heater you have a chance of explosion or fire. Either of these situations can leave you with significant damage to your home.

Longer Life Span
Electrical water heaters last longer than gas water heaters. This is because electrical water heaters have less parts, meaning they do not need to be replaced as often and do not come into contact with direct heat as much as gas water heaters do. Having your water heater last 4 years longer is a great benefit for anyone’s wallet.
Greater Efficiency
When it comes to electrical, it usually means it is more efficient. While the cost of running an electrical heater may be the same as a gas water heater, the costs are recovered over the life of the heater because of the lower repair and installation costs as well the longer life span. Electrical water heaters also have an energy factor of 0.95. This means that there is less energy wasted when heating your water, making it much better for the environment. And, because it is electric you can put it on a timer and stop it from running when it is not needed.
If your water heater at home is reaching the end of its life span, start thinking about going electric. With the help of a licensed plumber you can purchase and install the right electric water heater and the piping to the heater. Then one of our Expert Electricians can take care of all the necessary wiring. Since the heater is electrical there is no need for an exhaust vent being drilled through your home! Contact your local Expert Electric and we will help you realize the full benefits of electrical water heaters.