Dedicated Computer Circuits
Why does my computer need a dedicated circuit?
You can have several items plugged into one outlet and several outlets that feed into the same electrical circuit. Each item on that circuit adds to the amount of “electrical noise” your computer experiences. Electrical noise consists of fluctuations in electronic current, small surges of power as items are turned on and off and natural cycles of electricity. Electronic noise can cause operating problems for your sensitive electronic equipment and dedicated electrical circuits increase your computers resistance to damaging surges and fluctuations in power allowing your computer to run smoothly.

Dedicated Electrical Circuits
The term “dedicated circuit” is used in several different ways. Most commonly, it is used in reference to a phone or data line, or to an electrical circuit. In both cases, the idea is that a dedicated circuit is a circuit set aside for a specific use, often with the implication that the use is either sensitive in nature or highly demanding, making it necessary to isolate the circuit used. Such circuits require some extra attention and care during the installation phase so that they are installed properly given the use they are intended for.
In electrical wiring, a dedicated circuit is a circuit set up with its own circuit breaker and intended for a single use. In some cases, a receptacle may be wired to the circuit so that it can be connected to an appliance such as a stove or a refrigerator. In other cases, an appliance can be wired directly into the circuit, as is commonly seen with electrical water heaters.
This type of dedicated circuit is designed to ensure that the circuit used to power an appliance will not be overloaded. Electrical appliances can suck up a great deal of energy, and running multiple appliances on the same circuit or loading several smaller items onto a circuit used to power an appliance can be dangerous. For example, if a stove and a hair dryer are powered on the same circuit, the circuit will probably blow because of the high energy demand. Thus, a dedicated circuit is used to ensure that the supply of power is uninterrupted and that operating conditions remain safe.